Fourth Edition of Digital Nation highlights Australian’s adoption of emerging technologies and online government services

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - Telsyte is pleased to announce the release of the fourth edition of Digital Nation, an infographic style report book that showcases Telsyte’s leading Australian consumer, government and enterprise ICT research.

Digital Nation combines primary research with analyst insight to tell a unique story about how technology is changing Australians’ lives and work in 2016 and what to expect in the future.

The book gives readers information on how to prepare for digital disruption and technology-led change and provides strategic insight into the explosion of devices and data that will drive new levels of engagement and commerce.

Australians positive about technology

Telsyte Managing Director Foad Fadaghi says Australians are increasingly comfortable using and adapting to new technologies.

“Staying connected is now a national pastime - Australians are clearly more dependent on the internet for entertainment and shopping than ever before,” Fadaghi says.

Telsyte research shows nearly three-quarters (73%) of the population believe faster broadband is important for Australia’s future, and as a result of being more connected 70 per cent of us are happy doing online banking.

The e-commerce market in Australia is growing strongly, with digital commerce – including digital goods and subscriptions – reaching nearly $30 billion in 2015 and sales of digital goods and services is up by more than 20 per cent year-on-year, led by the spike in uptake of Internet video streaming services and the shift to digital gaming.

Other categories of physical goods purchased online continued to grow, but their growth was curtailed by the falling Australian dollar. Physical goods e-commerce grew by four per cent from 2014 to 2015, compared to seven per cent in the previous year.

By 2019 the average household will have some 24 Internet-connected devices, up from nine in 2015 according to Telsyte research. In fact, our homes are becoming so connected we will be spending $3.2 billion on connected devices and services by the end of the decade, almost eleven-fold growth over the next four years.

Digital Nation informs business leaders on how to take advantage of all this change and how to transform their thinking to avoid competition from agile market entrants.

This year we will also see how the emergence of more automation technology – from cars to aerial drones – will change our daily lives and offer opportunities for innovation. Digital Nation reveals Australians are hungry for better technology to help improve our lives.

Attitudes to e-government growing strong

An exciting development for the fourth edition of Digital Nation is the introduction of a new e-government section titled Digital Government.

With more Australians accessing a wider range of online services than ever before, government agencies at all levels are developing citizen portals to facilitate interaction with government services.

Telsyte research indicates most (80%) people believe all government services should be available on the Internet. The federal government’s MyGov portal has been well received, with more than half of us (55%) having registered to use the portal — of whom 75 per cent agree that it provides useful services.

Government agencies still have some work to do when it comes to providing online services, with one in four of us still believing Australia is not yet a global leader in e-government.

With so many of us comfortable using e-government services, the opportunity is there for the range of services available to citizens to expand. Apps in areas such as e-health, business services and taxation can be used to streamline interactions with all levels of government.

Digital at Work

As more of our personal technology is used for business with BYO-IT (not just devices, but apps too) and more business applications become accessible to consumers, Australians are in the middle of a work-life balance revolution. Digital Nation looks at how the workplace is transforming to be more accommodating – and productive – for our increasingly technology-enabled workforce.

Within local organisations, around half of business units like marketing, HR and operations have their own IT budgets. Digital Nation reveals this trend is having a measurable impact on traditional IT departments with many CIOs having experienced problems resulting from IT purchasing outside of IT.

Telsyte Senior Analyst Rodney Gedda says in addition to the use of personal device technology in the workplace, traditional IT strategies are changing rapidly to deal with line of business spending and an influx of cloud-based services.

“More than half of Australian CIOs believe line of business IT spending will exceed central IT spending by 2020 and more than 80 per cent of enterprises will be using some cloud infrastructure service by that time. Such trends are forcing a rethink of traditional IT management practices,” Gedda says.

Cloud computing for business continues to grow strong and Digital Nation reveals how the hybrid architecture will become the predominant form of infrastructure management.

“Being able to deploy workloads on public or private clouds for the best business outcome is the foundation of a modern IT service capability,” Gedda says, adding important factors like security, integration and TCO do not go away with moving on-premise systems and applications to the cloud.

The digital transformation of Australia’s businesses is reaching the core of how they operate — including enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

A big challenge for Australian businesses is that ERP feature use is languishing and the top two factors for ERP success are easy to use interfaces and flexibility of the ERP system. Telsyte believes traditional ERP suites must evolve to compete with the range of cloud-based SaaS applications offering modern UIs and flexible usage models.

With so many digital and online services permeating the workplace, Australian business leaders must decide how to best apply them for a business outcome. In recent years, the emergence of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) has provided a hosted development and testing environment for new applications. PaaS cloud services also offer developers a wide range of integration components for popular services from content management and file storage to CRM and accounting.

Digital disruption is resulting in an increase in the adoption of PaaS to develop and deploy custom applications in the cloud, according to Telsyte research. 

More than half of Australian organisations are already using or investigating PaaS to deploy custom software as more seek fit-for-purpose applications.

Digital Nation, is available for purchase as a printed hardcover book from online bookstore Blurb (US$79+GST excluding delivery) via this URL:

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About Telsyte

Telsyte delivers emerging technology insights and advisory services to businesses that are producing, or are impacted by, disruptive technologies. Telsyte publishes studies into emerging consumer, business and government markets and provides custom research to better inform strategic decision makers. Our clients include leading global technology vendors, service providers, government agencies, media companies and technology influencers among a wide range of industries. Telsyte is an independent business unit of CSC.

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